When you are involved in a collision with an uninsured motorist, this type of coverage can significantly help. Even though the other driver may be at fault, this coverage can help pay for treating your injuries and can sometimes even help repair your damaged vehicle. Without insurance, the other driver may still be responsible for these costs, but securing their payment would involve attorney fees and taking them to court.
More commonly, this type of insurance can help even if the other driver has insurance. Unfortunately, Mississippi’s minimum standards of liability coverage have not been updated in decades. What may have been sufficient coverage 20 years ago is no longer adequate to cover the rising cost of medical care. These days, if a motorist only carries the bare minimum to meet state regulations, chances are very likely that he or she is underinsured. If you are involved in a collision with an underinsured driver, their policy is typically not nearly enough to cover the cost of you or your passengers’ injuries, not to mention any damages. By carrying this type of coverage yourself, you can avoid the added expense of such accidents.
Everyone can benefit from carrying uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, but it can especially protect drivers in Mississippi where driving without insurance is so common. Just how much coverage you need depends on a few details. The limits for this coverage can range from $25,000 up to $1 million. Some insurance providers require the amount to be equal to your bodily injury liability limit, while others have fewer restrictions.
Our agents can answer any questions you may have about your uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. We will help identify your auto insurance needs, suggest coverage options, and also assist you in finding a number of quotes from a variety of providers with which to compare. Contact a SouthGroup member agent near you to find out how you can obtain the best auto insurance coverage at the most affordable rates.
Your Trusted Choice Insurance Agent, SouthGroup Insurance Gulf Coast wants you to know you can call on us with your questions or concerns seeking more helpful advice or answers to your pressing insurance questions. A full insurance review is always your best bet to make sure you have all of the adequate coverage for your personal insurance needs. Remember, we offer a personalized insurance review to anyone who is interested at no charge – just visit any one of our 3 convenient coastal locations!
We are your LOCAL Trusted Choice Advisors, SouthGroup-Gulf Coast http://www.southgroupgulfcoast.com , SALES AND SERVICE AGENTS: Angelyn Treutel Zeringue, Tammy Garfield, Tammy Hogue, Brittany Jones, Denise Russell, Melissa Moran, Alex Treutel, Anne Gillam, Ashlie Moody, Mark Strickland, and Whitney Zimmerman at SouthGroup Gulf Coast. You can reach us by snail-mail or in person: 412 Hwy 90, Suite 6, Bay St Louis MS 39520, email: info@southgropugulfcoast.com , phone: 228-466-4498 fax:888-415-8922, FaceBook www.facebook.com/southgroup.gulfcoast, or Twitter www.twitter.com/atreutel !
We have 3 Gulf Coast locations to serve you - 2505 Pass Road - Biloxi, 5400 Indian Hill-Diamondhead, and 412 Hwy 90 Suite 6-Bay Saint Louis, MS. We write coverage in 40 different states and can assist you with Mississippi insurance, Louisiana insurance, and Alabama insurance and many other states.
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